Nikola Suprak

Nikola has been writing reviews for games so long that his fifth grade book report of The Giver was actually a review of Conker's Bad Fur day. He failed the assignment but kindled a lifetime passion of telling everyone he saw about which games he liked and didn't liked. He continues to review games as a public service to prevent games like Final Fantasy: All The Bravest from falling into the hands of unsuspecting, innocent people.

He is a longtime fan of RPGs, FPSs, and other acronym based gaming genres. Some of his favorite games include Lunar: Silver Star Story, Suikoden II, Super Mario Galaxy, and Paper Mario. Outside of gaming, Nikola enjoys writing, basketball, and trying to find a prosecutor willing to charge the developer of The Letter with a crime against humanity. It is harder than you may think.

Nikola Suprak's Latest Reviews

 - Nintendo 3DS Wii U Gaming

Today's the day the teddy bears have their gothic horror adventure.

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 - Nintendo 3DS Wii U Gaming

It burns bright, it burns brilliant, but it ultimately burns out.

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 - Nintendo 3DS Wii U Gaming

A pleasant (and weird) stroll through memory lane.

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 - Nintendo 3DS Wii U Gaming

EQQO is somehow remarkably charming, and utterly charmless at the same time.

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 - Nintendo 3DS Wii U Gaming

A little slice of co-op gameplay bliss that falls just short of greatness.

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Nikola Suprak's Latest Previews & Hands-On

 - Nintendo 3DS Wii U Gaming

A mind is a terrible thing to waste.

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 - Nintendo 3DS Wii U Gaming

Cubed3 manages to avoid deadly traps and killer robots just long enough to delve into Subaeria hands on.

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 - Nintendo 3DS Wii U Gaming

Cubed3 goes hands-on with Bombernauts to determine if this bomb is a live one or if it's another dud.

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Nikola Suprak's News Posts

Title Date Comments
Review: Embr (PC)29.03.20210
Review: Shenmue I & II (Xbox One)26.09.20200
Review: EQQO (Nintendo Switch)12.08.20200
Review: We Were Here Together (PC)12.08.20200
Review: Superliminal (PC)16.12.20190
Preview: Superliminal (PC)18.11.20190
Review: Trailmakers (Xbox One)11.11.20190
Review: A Pixel Story (Xbox One)03.10.20190
Review: TerraTech (Xbox One)24.03.20190
Review: Wulverblade (PlayStation 4)25.01.20190
Review: AER: Memories of Old (Xbox One)21.01.20190
Review: Metropolis: Lux Obscura (Xbox One)20.01.20190
Review: Late Shift (Xbox One)07.01.20191
Review: NHL 19 (Xbox One)08.10.20180
Review: Conan Exiles (Xbox One)05.08.20180
Review: The Banner Saga 3 (Xbox One)26.07.20180
Review: I Hate Running Backwards (PlayStation 4)14.07.20180
Review: Super Dungeon Bros. (Xbox One)19.05.20180
Review: Raiders of the Broken Planet – Wardog Fury (Xbox One)28.04.20180
Review: Future War: Reborn (Xbox One)07.03.20180
Review: Piczle Lines DX (Nintendo Switch)03.02.20180
Review: Escape Hunt: The Lost Temples (iOS)06.01.20180
Review: 3Souls (Wii U)07.12.20170
Review: Castles (Xbox One)06.11.20170
Review: Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Seas (Xbox One)04.10.20170
Review: Has-Been Heroes (Xbox One)04.10.20170
Review: Ninja Pizza Girl (Xbox One)06.08.20171
Review: The Banner Saga 2 (Xbox One)29.07.20171
Review: Full Throttle Remastered (PlayStation Vita)16.07.20171
Review: The Magic Circle: Gold Edition (Xbox One)17.04.20170
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